lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

I wish i wish

Resultado de imagen para bucket list

Hello Ed's of the world , today I'm here to talk about my bucket list, so ready? set ? go.

Well, I had never before though much about a list of finally wishes, I mean i didn't know what I gonna do tomorrow so, planning and Agustín don't seem to go together, but I gonna try to do, thinking "whatever You Only Live Once"

First of all, I would learn to dance, I love dance but  I'm really awful dancer so it's sad, and then maybe I should made a travel with my friend to the sooth or similar, maybe some like  "Diarios the motocicleta"the Chilean movie, I gonna toured Chile in a motorcycle with Roberto, my best friend.

Well in other subjects, I always like to do things new with my hands, like magic, but for example I wanna learn to solve the Rubik's cube and I learn the last year c: and learn to wove is other activity cross out for my list, but know for the future I want to practice the Chinese Shadow theater and become in a good puppeteer.

Maybe meet somewhere, like "I want a picture with J.K Rowling" or, I  Don't know, with Leonardo DiCaprio, but I think this would be very difficult because the a both are very famous and found it in some places is extremely rare, and if you found it probably they have custodians or wardens.

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