lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

I wish i wish

Resultado de imagen para bucket list

Hello Ed's of the world , today I'm here to talk about my bucket list, so ready? set ? go.

Well, I had never before though much about a list of finally wishes, I mean i didn't know what I gonna do tomorrow so, planning and Agustín don't seem to go together, but I gonna try to do, thinking "whatever You Only Live Once"

First of all, I would learn to dance, I love dance but  I'm really awful dancer so it's sad, and then maybe I should made a travel with my friend to the sooth or similar, maybe some like  "Diarios the motocicleta"the Chilean movie, I gonna toured Chile in a motorcycle with Roberto, my best friend.

Well in other subjects, I always like to do things new with my hands, like magic, but for example I wanna learn to solve the Rubik's cube and I learn the last year c: and learn to wove is other activity cross out for my list, but know for the future I want to practice the Chinese Shadow theater and become in a good puppeteer.

Maybe meet somewhere, like "I want a picture with J.K Rowling" or, I  Don't know, with Leonardo DiCaprio, but I think this would be very difficult because the a both are very famous and found it in some places is extremely rare, and if you found it probably they have custodians or wardens.

See me, feel me, studies

Resultado de imagen para Ed edd y eddie estudiando
Hi Little's ED's how are you? I'm here today to talk about studies.

Well, so let me clarify something, I need to study even postgraduate? But it will be twelve year, then other five... damn it, Jorge Gonzales I have failed you. :c anyway

Now seriously I would lije to study some curse in 3D animation or something, maybe a course of stop motion (I even don't know if exist) because it's so interesting and funny, I don't know, you can do a lot of thing using only your imagination, and your talent of course. The places, people and big stuff looks dispensable but you need the support of a big team to do a good animation. And other course could be pedagogy, I mean learn no explain better the thing that I know, and in that case I would can teach and found a job in some university or something.

Now, Where was the perfect place for this? well first of  all I would like to study in person, because this way is easier to learn new things, in my experience obvious. If is away Santiago would be better, if you read my blog(should be) you know my love for Argentina so this city was perfect to study  and live some new experiences with different people and cultures I guess.

Thanks for read.

Really I need a job ?

Resultado de imagen para montajeHi little's ED's. I'm here today to talk about the wonderful and adult world of  jobs, so let's get started.

Well I study filming so I will have a lot of possibilities to found a job :) HA, now for real I mean in the Area of the cinematography you can do many things, from the electrical to the Director, so you can be the assistant of the assistant or the maximum creator in the film (or in any project)

But for me the best part of any project is the mounting, I love edit the movie, cut scenes and then put them together but in different orden to create a lot of new sensation and emotions. I can do the edition from my computer so I didn't need to go out but to be honest I would like to be present in the moment of the recording because in that case you can help from the future montage. Travel is not a thing directly related to the montage, but for example, if the project will be recording in some beautiful place far away from the capital will be even better. I didn't know how many was be the pay honestly, but is my favorite jobs associated with the career so... whatever.

Thanks and bye.