lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

Really I need a job ?

Resultado de imagen para montajeHi little's ED's. I'm here today to talk about the wonderful and adult world of  jobs, so let's get started.

Well I study filming so I will have a lot of possibilities to found a job :) HA, now for real I mean in the Area of the cinematography you can do many things, from the electrical to the Director, so you can be the assistant of the assistant or the maximum creator in the film (or in any project)

But for me the best part of any project is the mounting, I love edit the movie, cut scenes and then put them together but in different orden to create a lot of new sensation and emotions. I can do the edition from my computer so I didn't need to go out but to be honest I would like to be present in the moment of the recording because in that case you can help from the future montage. Travel is not a thing directly related to the montage, but for example, if the project will be recording in some beautiful place far away from the capital will be even better. I didn't know how many was be the pay honestly, but is my favorite jobs associated with the career so... whatever.

Thanks and bye.

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